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The Importance of choosing the right LSP

Below is an article written by Lifeline Language Services, the company we trust to translate all our documents, about the importance of trusting the Language Service Provider (LSP) that you use.

A look back at … boots.

No, not boots made for walking - CV joint boots. One of the big projects recently was the translation of a load of content about these overlooked pieces of rubber into 27 languages. Our tame in-house engineer spent


Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

It is with deep sorrow that we acknowledge the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.


Queen Elizabeth has been a reassuring constant throughout our lives, ascending to the throne on 6 February 1952, making her the longest-reigning monarch in British history. Over the past 70 years, Her Majesty has been dedicated to the service of our country and the Commonwealth, demonstrating an enormous sense of duty and commitment.


Our thoughts are